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Jim Greene

Jim Greene

Big chop afro hair







It may be short, but it eliminates a lot of hassle.It's also important to be prepared for drier hair than you're used to.This is also a good time to experiment with makeup, eye-catching earrings, and to play around with headbands and scarves if you get tired of looking at the same style day after day.It may not be what you were expecting, but it's yours.There's also the possibility of negative internal feelings like regret or sadness.You can also spritz your 'do with water if that helps in the styling department.Before making your decision, be sure to carefully weigh both options and know what to expect from the big chop.She has an expertise in natural hair and Black women's issues.If you're confident in your decision, you will be as beautiful as ever.If you hate short hair, the big chop may not be the best option if you end up being unhappy with your appearance. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>














Pros and Cons of the Big Chop to Natural Hair

big chop afro hair
Image source: negronews.fr

Are you ready for "the big chop"? Before you make a decision, explore the pros and cons of taking this route to natural hair rather than transitioningKira Reply Kira says July 24, 2015 at 11:13 am Tia, this is great news and your enthusiasm for your natural hair is friggin’ awesome.If you’re like most people, you have already invested time in learning how to transition to natural hair.Reply Jael says March 4, 2012 at 8:07 am Hi Peanut, Thank you for your comment.You should really ask yourself, “Why do I want to go natural?” Thank you for your comment, Kira Reply keyera says September 18, 2015 at 7:32 pm My hair is very uneven in the center of my head.Reply Kira says July 24, 2015 at 11:11 am Hi Ciera, 1st- join my newsletter, right now.Reply Cathy says November 2, 2011 at 10:46 am Thank you Jael:) Cathy.Reply Ciera says July 11, 2015 at 12:02 am I’ve been wearing sew-ins for the past year.There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to a women?s hair length.As you will come to know, your natural hair is about your style.How long have you been a natural hair beautician.Been wanting to go Natural for awhile and I love it, after doing relaxers for so many years it feels really good to be free of chemicals.

CINDY FASHION PARIS(coiffeur afro-antillais paris)curly,locks,tresses,tissage,big chop,crochet braid

big chop afro hair
Image source: i.pinimg.com

The big chop is the act of taking your natural hair journey from transitioning to officially natural in only minutes. Get started right now with this guide

507?meilleures images du tableau Big Chop Inspiration

Pros and Cons of the Big Chop to Natural Hair.


Back to Natural Afro Hair: Transitioning & Big Chop - Olivia Rose

I'll teach you everything you need to know to have healthy afro hair.Why? Because your natural hair does not need as much proteins as your relaxed hair does.In that case, instead of cutting your hair and having a short afro, opt for a long transition period.However, it can be difficult to take care of two textures at the same time; furthermore, it does not really allow you to get used to your natural hair.When her hair is dry, she applies a little serum, then slowly unties the braids.Others will not understand your decision and will be blunt about it.You?ll have a hard time finding a husband.On the other hand, your relaxed length needs proteins in order to strengthen it.This is commonly referred to as a ?big chop.In between washes, alternate between a moisturizing cream with proteins and one without; do this according to your hair needs. My New Natural Hair.

#5# - Comment je suis revenue au naturel - My hair journey 2-2

Big Chop Natural Hair: 5 Things You MUST Do Afterwards | Textured Talk

You?ll often find people refer to thick hair as coarse.Companies are realizing women invest a ton of money into hair care, but become even more frustrated after spending tons of money only to find nothing works for them.I cut my hair low three weeks ago, and I’m enjoying it. I?ve never cut it in one go before.I like the curly look, can you help me.But I?m scared.I feel like I?m not ?pretending? any more.Kindly advise and the hair product(s) I can use to grow my hair (I love Afro), make it soft, shinny and healthy, yet natural.Wearing scarves and head wraps are OK but you want to make sure you are giving your hair ample time to breathe as well.? Originally created out of my love for natural hair and helping women embrace their curls things.An easy way to think of this is how many strands you have per square inch. Natural hair styles.

big chop afro hair
Image source: i.pinimg.com

?I also recommend using products that enhance your curl pattern and control frizz, especially in the summer,? he adds.O.I always suggest starting a mood board of all the short cuts you love and the textures that closely resemble yours to work through the process of elimination.Keep scrolling to learn more about choosing the right cut, finding the right products, and everything else you need to know before you make the big chop.Press Pause on Hair Color (And Heat) As tempting as it might be to play around with your new texture, hold off.It will grow so much better and faster when it's in its natural state.? Advertisement But remember to be realistic about what you can actually achieve with your God-given texture. She explains why it works so well: ?When your hair is short, your natural texture really gets a chance to shine. (Liquid Leave-In, Oil, Cream) method is a good way to seal moisture into your hair and prevent dryness.For a DIY fix, he suggests incorporating coconut and jojoba oils into your leave-in serums or conditioners.

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Back to Natural Afro Hair

big chop afro hair
Image source: i.pinimg.com

Thinking of cutting off your hair and going natural? We asked the pros how to big chop to get your best hair ever

🛑J'ai COUPÉ MES CHEVEUX Naturels Crépus Bouclés - 2ème Big Chop - Retour Au Naturel Court 😱


Do you want to ditch the relaxer and get back your natural hair? Check out this comprehensive guide to help you grow back healthy natural hair!.

Lost and don't know what to do after you big chop natural hair? 5 easy things you must do and follow for success as you become natural.

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